Transvestia commented that Henry and Ellen were much more like honeymooners than a couple about to celebrate their
silver anniversary.
Which now brings us up to the present. Three months ago, Henry-- feeling that he and Ellen once again really understood each other-gently told Ellen about his trip to New York...and about Alice. Poor Ellen was quite baffled because she had no knowledge of such intricate emotional matters. Still, if Alice and Henry were in- separable, she would try to understand. Henry said nothing more. However, a few days later, Ellen walked over to Henry seated in his chair with the evening paper. She put her arms about Henry and tenderly said..."I have been so happy since you are back." "Since Alice has been re- sponsible for what has happened, I do want to know her and to be her friend". Henry was so delighted in hearing those long-awaited words that he could hardly speak. "Would it be all right if we had Alice to dinner tomorrow?' "Why of course, dear, it would be a wonderful way to meet a very dear friend". At the candlelight dinner Ellen and Alice found that they had far more in common than Henry they were, so to speak, true "soul sisters", with similar views on most everything, especially things of their feminine world. Now that Alice comes visiting several times a week, Ellen and Alice have become very close friends. There are very few people who really know Alice but those who do are all as equally enthusiastic about FP as she and Ellen. From time to time Ellen and her "sister" Alice, may be seen shopping together, attend- ing the movies--a concert or play. One is a little taller than the other, but both are equally feminine.
There is a moral to the story of Henry's late awaken- ing. It is this. In bringing the femme person Alice into the world, nothing was subtracted from Henry and Ellen's marriage. Quite the contrary. Through Alice, Henry saw his wife as the woman she was, and shared in her attitudes and feminine orientation. For Ellen, Alice had become not only a very dear friend, but she had also made Henry more understanding a husband, gentler, kinder, more considerate. Then, too, Alice had provided Henry with the incentive to make a success of his marriage and career. And Alice delights in her own femininity. All have be- come richer for her presence.
Complicated? Not really--for an FP, or a GG who
Knows and understands.